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Stage 2: Business Development

Stage-2-business-developmentSo you have decided to make a smart move and probably know that it is never too late to start an online business. The maturing of the internet technology enables anyone of us to utilized for maximum advantage to start an online business which also means that starting an online business can be inexpensive and easy. How fortunate are we!

Conversely, people are already flocking in to build their business online and thus the marketplace has begins to become more competitive. However, according to Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start a business fail within the first 18 months.

So how do you avoid failure?
Are you not sure pick the best profitable niche market or how to start an online business?

No worries, keep reading….
I was one like you, wondering on the internet, searching and picking for the right product or market to start an online business. The step in finding and researching for a profitable niche market should not be missed because often your gut feeling may not be wrong. In fact, it could save you from wasting your time and effort before you even begin your online business journey.

In any way, if you found yourself stuck in any business stage, do read it over again. I hope it will give you more ideas, inspiration or ways to improve your strategic business plan.

So here are the 3 great guides to help you and many other entrepreneurs to prepare yourself in finding a sweet spot success for your online business journey.

Good Luck to you!

1. How to Find a Profitable Niche Market?How to research on a profitable niche market

2. How to Keyword Research On A Profitable Niche Market?HOW-TO-DO-KEYWORD-RESEARCH
3. 8 Great Tips: Online Business Advice For All Entrepreneuronline-business-advice

Start Here
Stage 1: Personal Development

Stage 2: Business Development

Stage 3: Business Empire
Stage 4: Internet Marketing
Stage 5: Leverage

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