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Internet Marketing Singapore Facebook Group


I have been wanting to write about this but my busy schedule doesn’t allow me to.

What’s happening here is I have been learning and following in the IM industry for almost a year and finally I decided to meet up with Sam Choo for the first time about a month ago.

Sam Choo is the founder of Singapore Internet Marketers (SIM) Facebook group (Private) who gave great advice and insight for entrepreneur who are interested to start an online business. With 3,045 members to date as I write this post and counting, you can meet all sorts of people from various industries who love to keep up to date in the Internet Marketing (IM) industry. From online coaches, trainers, speakers, marketers, business owners or beginners who just started out in their IM journey. You’ll see an abundance of information and knowledge in exchange within the community. What is superb about this group is, there are already plenty of successful experts in this group as well, although it takes time to identify who they are when you just started in the IM trade. Which means, you can get a right mentor to learn from depending on your goal and passion.

Sam has been arranging and conducting a few events for everyone every month but I am always not able to join any of them as I have to take care of the little kiddo at night. So I decided to make an appointment and met him up during the day since he has a EUREKA – Personal Coaching session. The investment is $50 for an hour session and 2 hours if you managed to make him drunk to let him spill over the beans about whats’s happening in the IM industry… and yes, I managed to have a 2 hours session with him.

Sam Choo Eureka persoanl coaching program

The reason why I met him up is to get to know him in person, learn from him and also bring me with more clarity to approach for the next step in writing a book. Sam revealed to me what he had tried and what he has been doing in the IM trade which not many coaches will be willingly to share. His generous in sharing about what he know in the IM industry is really appreciative, let alone his encouragement and guidance which is really worth the time and money to begin with.


1. I love graphic designing and I have a Gigs on Fiverr submitted few months ago, but I did not really concentrate on this one, thus only 1 sales has been made to date. My Gigs offered is to design wedding monograms for US$5. Although it don’t seems like a lot of money but I accepted that this is a passive income idea. I invest the time and hard work upfront by designing a few sets of wedding monogram template and submit my Gigs on Fiverr. So I only have to spend less than 15 min to work on the name replacement if someone is keen to have a wedding monogram being made.

Sam learn about this and advice me to submit more Gigs rather than just one. Yeah, I know I should do that but I am just testing the market out and I am not really putting my best effort on this one. Nevertheless, he also suggest to me on the idea to design Ebook covers as the demand is there, and indeed the market is very hot but competitive. The top seller has about 15k reviews and 55 orders in queue! Don’t forget that not everyone are willingly give a review after the purchase and there are probably repeat purchase from the same buyer as well. This means that there are actually more than 15k purchases! What a potential making money opportunity on this niche! So if you are good at designing skills, you might want to consider trying this out in Fiverr.

You might not know but Sam has been doing Fiverr Gigs for a few years and if you are keen to learn more about starting a business with Fiverr, you can consider looking at his “EASY FIVERR CASH COACHING PROGRAM“. The program consists of 2 parts: Home study course and Online Group Coaching. There’s actually more ways to start a business in Fiverr and if you need more ideas, this course will be right for you and Sam will be more willingly to give you more ideas and get you started on your first Gigs.

2. If you had noticed, I am not selling anything yet other than having affiliate links in my Sweet Spot Success’s website as my goal is to provide a step by step information guide to help many other beginner who are stepping out to learn internet marketing, make money online or to start their online business. However, I understand that I need a fuel and track record to keep me going in providing more insight and experiments to connect with the audience so they can learn and grow together with me. Thus, I plan to publish a book.

Despite the plan, I’m not sure whether I should publish a digital eBook, Kindle eBook or a physical book. Sam comes to mind when I needed someone for more advice as he have published a few books. Yes, I can publish all 3 formats since it took one time effort to write it but I just want to concentrate on one promotion effort.
He share with me that unless I have good traffic or a pool of email subscriber in my website, I could then be able to sell my digital eBook well on my website. Otherwise, I would need to do solo mailing which means paying someone to send an email to their own subscribers on hand to promote the book and this costs money.

Physical book looks good and I always dream to see my own books selling off the shelf. It’s the most expensive of all the books format to be published and he share with me that it’s the hardest to make a profit out of it. However, physical books has its own gain if you are planning to build your own authority and branding in the market.

Kindle eBook sounds like a more profitable option since Amazon is the largest online bookstore retailer but it also means that anyone can easily become a author and sell their books online. Therefore, from his experience, it can’t make a lot of money.

So which format is the best? After his sharing with me, I sort of become conscious that no matter what format I choose, it doesn’t really matter. What matter most is to have a great formula of launching your product (any product) and the book I read “Launch” comes to mind. It’s a secret formula to sell almost anything online, build a business you love, and live the life of your dreams. If you have not read it before, I urge you to get it from Amazon as the local stores don’t carry it.

launch-Jeff Walker

Nevertheless, a great book title, cover and content is crucial before the launch and if it is your first time doing it, it is recommended to get a shifu; master to personally teach you how self publish and format your book manuscript. If you live in Singapore, you are in luck, you can learn from KC Goh which Sam always had suggested to me.

KC Goh is the bestselling author and self-publishing expert with 20 years of book publishing experience from Rank Books. You can find his workshop on his website here.

3. As mentioned, Sam generously shared with me about his online marketing journey which he started in 2008. The obstacles he met, what he has tried and what he had achieve till date. His success story is indeed inspiring and I will always remember his advice: “The most important thing now is to make money no matter how difficult it is in the initial stage because we need a track record in order to move forward.”

Yes, success doesn’t come easy and if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody will.